Frequently asked questions

  • How much is shipping?

    Our shipping rates for anywhere in Australia are as follows:

    • $10.95 AUD for a small package (0 > 1.5kg)
    • $14.95 AUD for a medium package (1.5kg > 3kg)
    • $19.95 AUD for a large package (3kg +)

    Our system estimates the weight and assigns a flat rate to it. We also ship to USA, Canada & New Zealand, however these shipping rates are calculated at checkout. You can read more on our Delivery & Shipping Policy

product description

Teacupnethies Grids & Connectors - the backbone of a customisable and spacious habitat for your furry friends. Engineered with precision, these grids provide a secure and versatile framework, allowing you to create the perfect environment for your guinea pigs &

**Key Features of our Grids:**

**1. Optimal Grid Size:** Our 35cm x 35cm grids strike the ideal balance between stability and flexibility. Customize your guinea pig & rabbit enclosure effortlessly, ensuring a snug fit and structural integrity.

**2. Secure Grid Hole Size:** With specially small mesh configuration, our grids guarantee your guinea pigs' & Rabbits safety. Preventing accidental entrapment, these grids offer freedom of movement while ensuring security within the enclosure.

**3. Sturdy Construction:** Crafted from high-quality materials, our grids are designed to withstand the weight and activities of guinea pigs & Rabbits. Rest easy, knowing your pets are safely contained within a sturdy enclosure.

**4. Easy Assembly:** Say goodbye to complicated screws or nails. Our grids feature convenient push connectors, simplifying the assembly process. Modify or expand your cage effortlessly, without the need for additional tools.

**5. Endless Customization:** Embrace creativity with our modular grid design. Build multi-level habitats, ramps, and hideouts, providing an enriching environment for your guinea pigs & rabbits to explore and enjoy.

**6. Seamless Integration:** Our grids seamlessly integrate with the Teacup C&C Cages, ensuring a cohesive and secure enclosure. Combine them with our coreflute base for a complete and comfortable living space for your pets.

Expand your guinea pigs' or rabbits habitat with Teacupnethies C&C Cage walls - where stability meets adaptability, allowing you to create a tailored environment that promotes your pets' happiness and well-being. The new recommended grid by vets

Included in each pack

2x4 Grid Walls 

x 12 Teacup 35cm x 35cm Dense Grids Black

x24 - Connectors Black

x1 Pack Zipties

1x Plastic Hammer

2x5 Grid Walls 

x14 Teacup 35cm x35cm Dense Grids Black

x28 - Connectors Black

x1 Pack Zipties

X1 Plastic Hammer

2x6 Grid Walls

x16 Teacup Dense Grids Black

x32 - connectors

x1 Pack zipties

x1 x plastic hammer


Important - coreflute base NOT included 

100% custom &
made with love.
Over 1,000 positive
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handmade products
Trusted family owned
Australian business



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