Quick step by step guide to cleaning fleece.

Quick step by step guide to cleaning fleece

This is Loki’s messy cage before we start cleaning, this is a week’s worth of mess. His cage is spot cleaned every second day.

Our guide to cleaning your fleece pet accessories.

Step one

Remove all accessories, bowls, toys, and litter tray out of the cage.

Quick step by step guide to cleaning fleece.

Step two

Sweep up all debris off fleece, which alternatively you can also vacuum to remove the mess. A curry comb is an awesome little thing for getting hair and hay off your fleece.

Quick step by step guide to cleaning fleece.

Or alternatively you can;

Roll up liners and shake them outside in the garden or bin. Don’t forget to give a quick sweep or wipe the base in the cage to remove any mess ( Loki’s is coreflute)

Quick step by step guide to cleaning fleece.

This liner was only washed 2 days ago and is not very dirty, thus it has been swept and flip over so another side is used.

Quick step by step guide to cleaning fleece.

Step three

Washing on a gentle setting with a temp below 40 degrees. Add a scoop of washing powder that has no added softener (we use OMO ultimate.) But please note, DO NOT put any softener in with your liners. If they are extra smelly, a little white vinegar does wonders.
Cozy items can be washed in the machine on a gentle setting. Make sure to place them in a wash bag or bra bag, this will stop them from losing shape.

Quick step by step guide to cleaning fleece.

Quick Tip

You can use a wash bag or pillowcase to prevent any stray hair or debris in your washing machine. You can even hose it off or handwash it in the tub if you don’t want to put it in your washing machine. Laundry mats are also a good option if you don’t have or want to use your own.

Quick step by step guide to cleaning fleece.

Step four

Place washed liners on the clothesline this is recommended in the shade, if out in the sun not the hottest part of the day. pegging corners and along the middle so it doesn’t sag and lose its shape. A clothes dryer can be used on a cooler setting or air dry don’t use DRYER SHEETS.
using the dryer on hot can cause it to shrink and reduce the life of your liner.

Quick step by step guide to cleaning fleece.

Once everything is dry you can put it all back in the cage and watch the happiness ensue.

Quick step by step guide to cleaning fleece.

Hot tip.

Having spare liners makes the process quicker while one is being washed the spare can have its turn in the cage.

Quick step by step guide to cleaning fleece.

If you found this helpful and you own a Guinea Pig, then check out our ‘How to clean your Guinea Pig’s cage and reduce the smell‘ article for a more in-depth guide.